-Sheree confirmed that next month Chair/Host positions were filled
--Summary of previous meeting--
-Sheree announced the Candlelight Meeting is no longer under Roberts account
-Issac will be setting up host keys. Currently have four hosts. Hosts will open the meeting 20 minutes prior to the meeting.
-Current secretary Mark (Chicago) stepped down. Amanda offered to fill the position.
-Greeter position for newcomers was discussed
Liz read the information she was able to gather for the conduct proposal:
-11:11 Code of Conduct
-Discussion tabled for next month
-Secretary – Amanda
-Sheree/Amanda brought up removing of last names of people as they enter
--Group as a whole appeared in agreement with being able to remove last names as people enter the meeting
-Mike brought up concerns of how the newcomer is handled
All - Sorry I am late on this. Have been jammed at work and have not been diligent in attending the 1111. My bad. That's not an excuse.
Here is what I've got down in my notes for minutes from the last business meeting.
Cathy is going to be responsible for the "Home Group Member List"
There needs to be a "Host Training" and a "Greeter for Newbies" that shows up 10 minutes ahead of the meeting.
I have a note about "Covid Contact Conduct." I sort of remember what that is but there is a sub-bullet on my written notes under that "Mikes does not want to get hit on anymore." Who knows
A proposal for a "Spiritual Committee" was suggested
Robert needs to be reimbursed for the maintenance of the 1111 zoom account
Charity volunteers (I hope I am getting this right) are as follows (1) Nic from 1/30-2/5; Edie 2/6-2/12; Greg 2/13-2/19; Edie 2/20-2/26; Jeff 2/27-3/5
We talked about a newsletter, backups for meeting hosts, and a whatsapp group.
11:11 Candlelight Business Meeting Minutes 12/20/2021
Meeting called to order by Isaac 11:25 pm.
Moment of silence followed by Serenity Prayer
Mtg facilitator is using Roberts Rules of Order https://1111candlelight.org/RROOAA.pdf
Attendees 18, 17 members and Isaac as Facilitator
Old Business:
Open Positions
Chair for 1/2/2022-1/29/2022
1/2 – 1/8
Jen Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
TBD Sunday, Thursday and Friday
1/9 – 1/15
Jen - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
Floy - Sunday, Thursday and Friday
1/16- 1/22
1/23 – 1/29
Motion made by Kathy P for new 11:11 candlelight Mtg Group conscious Facilitator, secretary, Host, CoHost and Chair responsibilities and Host, CoHost/x2, Chair responsibilities documents.
Edie S. second
Vote 16 favor, 0 against, 1 abstention
(see documents)
Code of conduct issue from business meeting November 15,2021
Motion made and seconded to remove Trudy from service positions for 6 months starting 12/20/2021 to 6/20/2022
Vote 15 people present Isaac facilitator
Motion made and seconded to request Jen and Stephen to talk with Trudy
Vote 15 people present Isaac facilitator
New Business (Postponed to Future Business Meeting)
Create Home Group Member List with possible Email/Phone List – Kathy P to investigate
Look into setting meeting up with Host Key – Isaac to investigate
Look into Greeter Service osition for newcomers
Proposal for code of conduct – Liz to investigate
Proposal for Spiritual Committee – Jen to investigate